Reed Bb clarinet Plasticover
From 28.50 25.65 €

Plasticover reeds feature the standard Rico cut with a plastic coating, which resists moisture and remains stable in varying weather conditions. This coating results in a bright, projecting tone and offers greater durability and lifespan. Plasticover is a favorite among jazz and pop musicians and also works well in outdoor settings. Rico's updated reed-making machinery and state-of-the-art process have made today's Plasticover reed more consistent than ever before.
Coated with plastic to resist changes in moisture and climate
Color video inspection sorts cane quality
Optical laser measurements ensure accuracy
Offered in boxes of 5
Available in half strengths, from 1.5 to 4.0
RRP05BCL400 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #4.0 - 5 Box
RRP05BCL350 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #3.5 - 5 Box
RRP05BCL300 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #3.0 - 5 Box
RRP05BCL250 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #2.5 - 5 Box
RRP05BCL200 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #2.0 - 5 Box
RRP05BCL150 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #1.5 - 5 Box
Coated with plastic to resist changes in moisture and climate
Color video inspection sorts cane quality
Optical laser measurements ensure accuracy
Offered in boxes of 5
Available in half strengths, from 1.5 to 4.0
RRP05BCL400 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #4.0 - 5 Box
RRP05BCL350 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #3.5 - 5 Box
RRP05BCL300 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #3.0 - 5 Box
RRP05BCL250 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #2.5 - 5 Box
RRP05BCL200 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #2.0 - 5 Box
RRP05BCL150 Plasticover - Bb Clarinet #1.5 - 5 Box
My order
Reed Bb clarinet Plasticover D'ADDARIO WOODWIND
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