Flute Artist 1107 series
From 4 777.00 4 299.00 €

By using 958 Britannia silver, this flute obtains a wide sound with a darker colouring than the preceding instruments. Because of the modulation capacity of the sound, the notes’ carrying capacity and its dynamic range, the ALTUS 1107 is particularly suitable for the gifted and ambitious flutist.
958 britannia silver head-joint and body
silver plated nickelsilver mechanism
drawn toneholes
special soldered C#-tonehole riser
satinless steel springs
pitch 442 Hz
♦AS1107RI: C foot
♦AS1107RBI: B foot
958 britannia silver head-joint and body
silver plated nickelsilver mechanism
drawn toneholes
special soldered C#-tonehole riser
satinless steel springs
pitch 442 Hz
♦AS1107RI: C foot
♦AS1107RBI: B foot
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Flute Artist 1107 series ALTUS
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